
We provide a simple, single helpline that vulnerable people in your community can call. This will seamlessly connect them to local volunteers in a round-robin manner, so they don’t have to call or remember a list of telephone numbers.

We want to support the vulnerable during this crisis

The vulnerable in your community may not be digitally active - they may not know about Facebook groups, community volunteer groups or similar. For this reason we wanted to provide a single number that they can call to be connected to volunteers in their local area who might be able to help them in times of need.

How it works

  1. You contact us to register your interest in being a volunteer
  2. You provide a list of volunteers who are happy to be phoned
  3. We create a special community phone number for you, which when called, will ring around all the numbers you provided in random order.
  4. You create a leaflet with your custom phone number on it, and distribute it locally.

Get involved

We can only do this with your help! If you are interested in helping the vulnerable in your community or you already know of a community volunteer group that would benefit from this, please get in touch with us via email at